Papers are expected to be scientific, high-impact works that will be read and cited worldwide. Posters are preliminary work not yet mature for a full paper. Presenting at IEEE RFID-TA conferences is the preeminent way to get publicity and coverage for high-quality work on RFID, IoT, and wireless sensors research. Papers will be published in the IEEE RFID-TA 2017 conference proceedings and submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore®. Accepted papers will also be submitted for indexing through Scopus and Web of Knowledge.
Accepted papers are chosen on these criteria (in order of importance):
- Originality
- Importance of the problem
- Technical merit
- Clarity
- Potential impact of results
Papers are scientific, high-impact works. Accepted and presented papers at IEEE RFID-TA 2017 are read and cited worldwide. Accepted papers will have from 3 to max 6 pages, including references. Authors of accepted papers will present their work in a paper track in a 15-minute time slot. Authors of papers are encouraged to create a poster and present alongside the RFID industry (see more below). It is not necessary to submit a separate poster abstract. Your paper submission is sufficient.
IEEE RFID-TA 2017 accepts paper and poster submissions formatted in the IEEE conference style. Papers will be reviewed in a double-blind review process and submitted for publishing if accepted and presented at the conference. Submissions must be original and may not be under consideration elsewhere. IEEE RFID-TA will not tolerate scholarly misconduct in any form. Cases of multiple publications and plagiarism will be handled according to IEEE policies and procedures.
Useful Links
- IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conferences– Proper formatting for the RFID-TA 2017 conference in LaTeX and Microsoft Word.
- IEEE PDF Checker– Online tool for checking that your submitted PDF has the embedded fonts and correct paper size for the RFID-TA 2017 conference.
- IEEE Author Digital Toolbox– Tools provided by the IEEE to ensure your pdf and figures conform to pertinent standards.